A number of approaches were utilized to develop volunteer outreach for the Harvest Against Hunger program such as individual recruitment, contacting existing philanthropic organizations, media outreach and food bank recruitment.
The Harvest Against Hunger program in Colville has implemented a number of innovative marketing strategies.
Approaching Farmers with questions on how to start your program is great first-step in relationship building with potential donors.
Founded in 2011, The Providence N.E.W Hunger Coalition unites thirteen food banks and fourteen organizations working to promote a healthier and more sustainable community.
The new superintendent of the Colville school district has recently shown interest in establishing gardens at some schools in town. This could present a new opportunity to confront hunger and poverty in Stevens County.
The large majority of donations from local growers was produce that was already harvested. At the height of the season the Harvest VISTA was receiving calls daily from growers that did not want their excess produce to go to waste.
Orchards in Stevens County are mostly small organic family run operations.
The Providence NEW Hunger Coalition is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization of 13 food banks and 14 partner organizations in rural northeast Washington working towards stabilizing and strengthening our emergency food system while addressing the root causes of hunger in our communities. The Hunger Coalition brings people, groups, and agencies together to leverage their expertise and resources for the benefit of the poor and vulnerable. We also empower the food banks to be proficient, have access to healthy foods, and act as an access point for food-related needs.