The Growing Connections Notes from the Field is an expanding library of articles and videos highlighting innovative and vibrant farm-to-food bank (F2FB) activities across the state of Washington. While Notes from the Field are primarily used to spotlight interesting projects, they also demonstrate to their audience the variety and scope of F2FB projects. It is the hope of the Growing Connections team that these articles spark ideas within communities, and inspire the creation of new programs and projects. Of course, it is also a goal that the Notes from the Field build connections between different communities with like-minded missions. Since Northwest Harvest is connected to over 375 food banks, meal programs, and high needs schools throughout Washington, they have the ability to share a multitude of stories at a statewide level, raising awareness about these programs both within their communities and beyond. Lastly, Growing Connections is invested in the power of storytelling and its ability to inspire and empower individuals and communities alike. If you live in Washington and know about an interesting farm-to-food bank project in your neighborhood, email